This is the final Each/Other sewing circle hosted by UK collaborators and Plymouth-based collective The Conscious Sisters.
This online sewing circle will feature an opportunity to contribute to a monumental artwork while engaging in a global conversation including participation by Each/Other concept artists Marie Watt and Cannupa Hanska Luger who will join the digital sewing circle in gratitude to all the stitches the Plymouth community has contributed to the project over the last five weeks.
This sewing circle will be held via Zoom at 6:30 pm GMT (UK), which is 10:30 am PST (USA)
Join this sewing circle by logging onto Zoom at the listed date and start time. No pre-registration required.
Each/Other sewing circles have been held in Plymouth, UK and hosted online by Melinda Schwakhofer, an American artist and citizen of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation with Austrian-American ancestry, who now lives and works on Dartmoor in the UK. Through her personal artistic journey, she has found that community involvement, social engagement and deep healing can be achieved through art making. Co-hosting has been Karen Evans, lead artist for Plymouth-based The Conscious Sisters who is producing the UK engagement programme for Settlement. She has worked in communities for over 25 years and specialises in socially engaged practice.
Share your work for each/other on social media and tag #EachOtheratDAM
for more information email
Image: Marie Watt stitching for each/other at Camp Colton, Or