Red Brigade Films series launch: Cannupa Hanska Luger

The first documentary in our STTLMNT series features Mandan, Hidatsa, Arikara, Lakota multi-disciplinary artist Cannupa Hanska Luger who is the Native American concept artist of Settlement/STTLMNT. Filmed by Red Brigade Films at his home and studio in Glorieta, NM as he shelters in place, Cannupa opens the series intention by speaking on the approach to this International project and how it has shifted to an online platform with the world shifting for shelter in place, reflecting on the importance of being back home with his family after years of travel as an artist. When speaking of the ethos Cannupa brought to the project from the inception and which has carried through into the Digital Occupation, he reflects, “The expectation is that we arrive with buckskins and feathers. The expectation is that we are somehow outside of present time. And I thought it would be important to make a settlement in the UK bringing hyper contemporary very present Indigenous people from so many different Nations to develop this idea of complexity so that we are not one dimensional, so that we celebrate our arts and our sciences and not be reduced to a Brave or a Warrior in the context of the beauty that is our vast and varied cultures.”


Marie Watt